A rubber made my day!

The commune has carried out a lot of cut downs on my school a lot lately, in order to save money. Now we have to buy paper binders instead of plastic, the doors are closed to save heat (not practical for disabled or ill), we have to fill in a form and deliver if we want the help from the caretaker (instead of just telling him as he walks past) the heat was so low in the winter that everybody froze and some wore their jackets, scarfs and shawls indoors, the teachers have to substitute to the verge on exhausting and they even took away some light in the library(?!) so save money on the electricity.

One of the actions for saving money which made me _really_ annoyed is that we are only allowed to order certain brands of school supplies  (the cheapest). One example is rubbers/erasers which are absolutely worthless.
You would think that the purpose of an eraser was to actually _erase_ writing, wouldn't you?...but noooo...not the erasers in school...our erasers purpose was (apparently) to smear the writing all over the paper and leave a dull, grey blur instead (see pics below).
After the cut down I have try to get back rubbers which actually fulfil their purpose (to erase), by writing a demand every time I was down in the store room to fetch something....and I don't know if that is the reason...but today (yay), we got REAL erasers! I was actually glad :) Imagine that...getting happy because the school actually  have usable stationary. I immediately gave some new to the 6th graders and they got happy too! Now we just have to get the plastic binders back, maths book who has exercises without 50-öres coins, science books with whole spines, warm classroom...and then...
BEFORE trying to erase with a worthless rubber
AFTER trying to erase, but instead smear the writing all over the page.
One of my several somewhat pushy wishes.

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